Friday, June 18, 2010

What Is The Law Of Attraction? 3 Critical Steps To Manifest Your Desires

The Universe is influenced by seven Laws. One example of these laws is the Law of Attraction (The Law of Perpetual Transmutation). What is the Law of Attraction about? Anything and everything is made up of energy, from soil to the birds flying above us to the nails on your fingertips. Everything you can look at and feel is built of pure energy. If you broke facts down from molecules to atoms, eventually energy will be the only component that remains..

So exactly how does energy relate to the Law of Attraction? Look at this this, there isn't any substantial substance keeping your emotions and values alongside one another. All your feelings and ideas are made up of natural energy. If the universe is made up of pure energy, why not use our feelings to create reality?

Each of our ideas and emotions invite the bad and the good circumstances that occur to us. For every situation that transpires in your life, take responsibility for it. You might be asking yourself, so how did I attract that stubbed toe I got this morning , ran out of toilet paper and on top of that spilled coffee on my favorite shirt? Stubbing your toe began a sequence of events of negative feelings that triggered a difficult beginning to your day. Then again, having optimistic thoughts can have a chain reaction of positive events inside your life. Commencing every day with the optimistic view in your life can lead to a nice morning. You need to believe that you have the power to control the outcome of your day by keeping track of your beliefs and thoughts.

There are actually 3 steps that are fundamental factors to the Law of Attraction.

Ask: It is pretty important that you picture in your head what you want to occur. The world would not be aware of what to provide you unless you ask for it.

Believe without a doubt that what you're requesting will manifest itself before you. Even the tiniest uncertainty or fear is going to keep you from getting what you ask for. Know that the Universe has solutions for what you want.

Receive: You shouldn't expect what you're asking for is going to fall in your lap. To be able to reach the your goals, you will have to attempt to actively take part of achieving your endeavors. Don't miss out , when you see a chance, don't hesitate!! Let life happen and be grateful for it as if you have already receive what you want.

What Is The Law Of Attraction Action?

The common error that people do once they try and make use of the Law of Attraction is taking not measures into their own hands Many people who uses the Law of Attraction regularly forget about one factor: action itself. Without a doubt, at times you can strive to increase how much money you make or be in your perfect relationship, and with the help of the Law of attraction, the universe will just give it to you. However, this doesn't often happen. Visualizing the love of your life or getting that job promotion is not going to do any good if is the only sum of energy you're going to implement.

Am I trying to say the secret doesn't work? No, the secret does indeed work. You must make and effort into your life so as to make your dreams a reality.

The love of your life isn't really going to just come knocking if you simply just sit there and visualizing it taking place. That promotion is not just going to drop out of the sky and onto your lap if you lie idle with your life. And no matter how much you believe in it, the junk food and pizza diet isn't going to help you be slim and healthy. The law of attraction isn't how you get what you want by simply visualizing it, there is more to it than that. You will need to put effort into your life to manifest your desired results.

Remember in The Secret, Jack business told a story about how precisely he earned $100,000 per year applying the law of attraction. Did he use visualization to get his desired outcome? Certainly, of course he did. He put hard work to his aspirations and goals, he didn't sit their idle. He wrote his own book, developed his own idea of advertising his book in the Enquirer, and took the chance to be interviewed when the opportunity arrived. Basically the key word here: inspired.You can and should visualize and think positive thoughts. Practicing these commonly enough will help pull things to you that commonly would not. If you want to to buy a house in San Francisco, you may meet someone, perhaps a Realtor from there. It's important that you follow these nudges find the time to go visit that house and feel what it’s like to be in it. It's necessary that speak to that real estate agent and find out what he can do for you and what your options are. It’s this that we call the Law of Attraction in action.

If your using the law of attraction and action is the next step to accomplishing your goals, you shoudn't wait. You might have to build your confidence in order to take the required measures to make your dreams come true. Getting on the right path to achieve your goals will be effortless if you are confident enough as a person to accomplish them. It's not going to feel like a task, it will be simple and natural and you can be on your way to manifesting your desires.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Using The Secret Law Of Attraction – Three Methods

Since you're reading this article, you've probably seen the docudrama, “The Secret.” It focuses on the Law of Attraction and has had a great impact on folks all around the globe.A visit to the website of “The Secret” will reveal testimonials respecting the emotional impact the movie has had on people, and their success in using the law of attraction.A hoax, a silly marketing tool, was about all that many who saw them film pegged on the secret law of attraction.

I can hold up my life as an example that the secret law does work. I believe it is a powerful tool that can have a profound and beneficial impact on one's life.Along with thousands of others, I have tried implementing the law of attraction and it has had a greatly positive impact on my life. Others who were not successful in their endeavors and openly criticize the secret as a falsity.

If you are among the critics, you're probably wondering why the secret hasn't worked for you.

The problem lies with the fact that you have gone about the application of the law in the wrong way. You must be applying it in a relevant and appropriate fashion, and you must be precise and persistent as you do.The way application of the law is made is its secret. Patience and persistence are needed – don't just expect a purse-full of gold to be thrown in your door.

Humans have huge brains in relation to their body size, and it is a powerful machine when properly harnessed.To make the law of attraction secret work for you, you must have deep faith and full control of your powerful brain.Your subconscious mind, though it's machinations may be invisible, is the powerful tool that will grease the cogs of the secret law of attraction.Answering questions, finding that which was lost, opening doors that were locked – you can do all this with the power of your mind.Faithlessness, uncertainty, and fear are the negative traits you may have that will certainly block the work of the secret law of attraction.

Your focus is most important:

Without focus, you are like a ball gone wild at a ping-pong tournament. I know from my own life experience that focus is all-important.Did you know that your thoughts can delve into your brain and create emotions? If you're up one moment and down the next, you have no emotional stability and any effort will be for nothing.

Dig deep into your soul:

Analyzing life's ups and downs is sometimes good, but many very smart people who are constantly thinking end up going nowhere.Manifestation of your desires requires being in touch with your feelings. Your subconscious mind powers that manifestation. Thoughts control emotions, emotions control actions; remember that.

“Act” is a verb:

The secret law of attraction. Notice that the last word in the previous sentence has “action” as its last part. That's what's required to make the law work – action.Actions are the road to manifestations. Build action upon a foundation of positive thinking and setting goals, but don't rely on them alone.

Apply it consistently, apply it properly, that is what is required to make the law of attraction work.Getting your subconscious mind to work in the way you want it to takes persistence and practice.Channeling your thoughts and emotions and focusing on your desires is what will make the secret law of attraction work for you.Action is what makes it work. Get that perfect picture well-planted in both your conscious and subconscious mind, then take action to manifest it, to make it real.

The secret law of attraction will help you manifest your goals whether they be for wealth, or love, or happiness – or all three.Don't let the old devil of frustration thwart you dreams. The minute you quit is the losing minute. Don't stop!

Quickly Attract Wealth (or Anything Else) With These Three Tips

Upon learning of the law of attraction, folks immediately think of wealth, and for good reason. The universe is bountiful, asking for wealth from that abundance is a no-brainer. Who wouldn't love the freedom and peace of mind that wealth can offer.

Rich or poor, let's be honest, which is better? Rich is, of course. Wealth doesn't buy happiness, but it sure does offer some comfort.

We all have the ability to attract wealth, we just need to know how to go about it.

First, if you have negative thoughts about your life or if you have negative people in your life, get rid of them. If you know anything about the law of attraction, you know how important it is to keep visualizing the positive outcomes that you desire in your life. When someone tries to get ahead, to start off in a positive direction, friends and family, strangers and acquaintances, will often jeer with words of discouragement. How do you deal with them?

In spite of how they may seem at the moment, these folks are probably just trying to help – they don't want to see you disappointed or hurt. Folks usually aren't negative on purpose; perhaps they don't understand what you already know; that it takes much faith, desire, and perseverance to be successful, to attract wealth.

Early on, sidestep these folks. Once you get rolling you'll be better able to deal with them. You may be surprised to discover that once your journey is begun, some of these folks will be your ardent supporters.

Second, since the universe is there, and since it is so big, why not dream in a big way? Don't play small. Don't think in terms of realism. Don't dampen your demands or dreams based on realism. Set a goal and make it yours.

Think about it. It's just as easy to set a “realistic” goal as it is to set a “far-fetched” goal. Being “realistic” isn't being real when you set goals. There's a lot of “realistic” goals, lots of competition. Do you think that Steve Jobs decided that Apple would just be a tiny little company and never challenge the largest software software company in the world? Probably not. Everybody wants to get by with a decent job. We know how many of those dreams turned out – poorly.

The universe is expanding according to scientists. Expand your goals. Really now. Would you rather get by or would you rather be a wealth magnet?

Thirdly, actions speak loudly! However hard and sincere your thoughts might be, alone they're not going to bring you wealth. No matter how hard you focus, a truck full of gold coins isn't waiting down the lane waiting for your visualization to register strong enough so it can pull up and dump those coins into your garden.

Manifesting Wealth – Three Secrets

It's been said many times in many ways: Positive thinking and firm belief can help you manifest wealth in many forms.

The basics of manifesting wealth in your life is examined in a pivotal book, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.In this book average folks, folks in dire straights financially and personally, tell their stories of how they were able to achieve great wealth in many forms with persistence and the power of positive thinking.

Hill dispenses some basic principles as to how to go about manifesting wealth in ordinary lives:

Developing a Burning Desire for Riches – Though it's a start, just wishing for wealth isn't going to make it a reality in your life. You have to want it deep down in your soul, it must be all consuming, that is the point to realizing wealth, love, and happiness.Hill doesn't mince around. He tells us to write our desires, make a checklist that outlines what kind of wealth, how much, when we want it, and how we intend to get it.Once you've come up with the list, Hill instructs you to read it – ALOUD – twice a day to brand the answers on your conscious and subconscious mine.

Develop Faith in Your Ability at Manifesting Wealth – There is a great saying, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”You must have the deepest feelings that a financially secure life is coming to you, you must have faith that it is coming.Everything you desire that the universe has to offer can be yours. Reading your list twice a day will burn that into your soul.

Act with Persistence Toward Your Goal – The third step in Hill's plan of action calls for just that – action – persistent action toward your desired outcome.

From what I've seen, taking action, that is the biggest difference between those who sit on their hands simply wishing, and those who wish and take action to make their desires manifest themselves.Effortless, easy, that's what action will feel like once you have developed a burning desire and absolute faith that you will have financial rewards.

The 10,000 failures of Thomas Edison are part of his legend. He kept at it, knowing in his heart he was right and that it would happen, eventually,Edison exhibited the same traits Hill asks of his readers: Step One – He knew it would work. Step Two – He knew he was right. Step Three – He persisted.

Hill says it all begins with thought. Once your thinking is changed and your focus is on the outcome and you really believe you can do it, you have made yourself into an unstoppable machine of determination. Your goal becomes a reality.

Having Trouble Manifesting Changes In Your Life?

I'd be lying if I said I was always optimistic. Sometimes I am happy and other days, very sad, just like anyone else. My thoughts are clearer now, thanks to the time I spend writing about the Law of Attraction. In order to control our actions in life, we must have a handle on our thoughts and emotions.

The actions in our lives dictate whether we are happy.

It was easy for me at times to admit defeat and wave my white flag than go ahead and persevere. There were times when I had rough days and felt so down. I realized, I was asking all the wrong questions. "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again". Not as easy as it looks though. Change is difficult, but here are some thoughts that you should keep in mind for manifesting change.

Humans are capable of creating in the present time, which is a great thing. Anyone can do it. Like attracts like. Thoughts can be very magnetic. People and situations are aligned with the thoughts as they attract toward one another. Even though, years ago these statements were looked at jokingly, today, they are scientifically proven. Law of Gravity is real, but so is the Law of Attraction. Don't be surprised if you find yourself down with more misery when dwelling on all the bad things in life.

Staying positive was very appealing to me, and I thought it was going to be very easy. Affirmations don't help when used carelessly and when you aren't thinking. Changing your subconscious mind isn't easy. By changing your belief system, you will allow the subconscious mind to attract more opportunities in your life. In order to succeed, you must seek out the opportunities because we don't attract success without taking the action to grab them. It’s good to have faith, but be sure to take action and not simply rely on the universe to drop everything in your lap.

Cause and effect happen all the time in the world. We can't forget that this rule applies to our thoughts. Learn to see the connection and you'll suddenly realize exactly how you're creating your life.

All day long, our subconscious mind works, it doesn't just turn off. Thoughts aren't evaluated or examined by it. Whatever our conscious mind is fixated on, it just accepts and attracts. Be aware that you are attracting problems and solutions by thinking. If you want more opportunities, allow your mind to focus on desired outcomes and show gratitude. Don't wait, jump on these opportunities.

You can't deny the Law of Attraction, the same way you can't deny the Law of Gravity. The universal laws will either be for us or against us, depending on how our mind operates. Reach for your goals and never give up! Keep focused on what it is you want. Success in life can be habitual. There will always be obstacles that get in the way of your desired goals.

Taking Three Steps For Applying The Simple Law Of Attraction

You have the power to control your day. That was the enjoyable idea I brought away from the movie, “The Secret”. My emotions are controlled by my thoughts, my actions are controlled by my emotions, I am in control of whether I am happy or sad. The law of attraction is simple and I use it in my life to help me align and achieve my goals.

Three simple law of attraction techniques can improve you life.

1. Visualization.

This is not a simple technique to use when you have problems focusing on your goals, an important part of the simple law of attraction. 

This way and that way is how your mind is usually pulled when you're trying to focus. Your goals can become obscured, visualizing them is affected, when we become inundated with the deadlines, problems, and worries of our quotidian lives. Can't concentrate? Drop what you're doing and do something you love. By engaging this very important tip, the law of attraction will become easier for you. Channel thinking into the business of your goals, your dreams toward realization, that should your main focus once you've regained control of your mind. 

The major tenet of the law of attraction is that like attracts like. That is why positive thinking and visualization are such a large part of the method. Beyond your basic beliefs, no matter what they be, the thoughts on which you focus will attract the positive, or the negative, aspects of life. Our thoughts, subconscious or conscious, attract the happenings, both good or bad, in our lives and thus we are responsible for the state in which we find ourselves. 

2. Gratitude.

Life-changing is a good term to describe being thankful. So simple an act can have a profound impact on your life.

Gratitude has had a very powerful effect on my life. Giving thanks makes me happy, makes me a better person. As I've grown, I've come to recognize that a simple act of thanks can be transforming.

Daily, give thanks the moment you awaken.

Construct a list in your mind and check off each item that makes you grateful. This is a simple law of attraction technique to get your positive energy charged for the rest of the day.

Though life always throws some curve-balls, be thankful for them.

Are you a complainer or an optimist? How you deal with challenges makes you one or the other. Don't whine, view each challenge as an opportunity.

If you're caught in a day that just isn't going your way, you need to take a few minutes and make yourself a gratitude list.

We all have them. The quickest cure is to jot down those things that make you thankful or bring you joy.

You have much – be thankful.

It's a simple law of attraction tool and you've probably heard it many times before. Be happy for what you have because there are always others who suffer through life with much less than you do. Do you live in a slum? Are you hungry? Are you poorly clothed? Do you work in a sweatshop for low wages? Start thinking about those factors and realize just how well-off you are.

3. Procrastination is anathema to action.

Though enjoyable, the movie, “The Secret”, has a rather simplistic slant on the law of attraction. The action required to manifest wealth is skimmed over, too much emphasis is placed on visualization and positive thinking. More than just wishful thinking, the law of attraction demands more if you are to find your significant other or lose weight.

Though it is good vehicle to introduce the law of attraction to a wide audience, this feel-good movie doesn't go into taking the action required to make your realities come to life.

You have goals, you have aspirations, you have hope, but things such as children, work, bank accounts, and other folks get in the way when you attempt to take the steps to turn your nightmares into dreams.

If this is the case, you need to do a few things to prevent life's distractions from sidetracking you.

You can only think about problems or challenges to a certain point before thinking becomes as big a problem as the one you're trying to change. Everybody wants perfection, but few, if any, achieve it. Do your top-notch best for what you have to do immediately, but keep your eye on the prize. Each journey starts with a step. Don't try to leap ahead. You'll tire yourself before reach your destination.

Keeping the guidance above in mind, you can make the law of attraction work for you. Your new life awaits.

3 Powerful Positive Thinking Tips (One May Shock You)

It’s no secret that keeping a good mental attitude is important in life. Listed below are three positive thinking ideas that will help keep your chin up and your head held high. It can be tough to have a positive outlook on life, when life's events don't go your way.

The very first of my optimistic thinking tips is to practice and make it into a habit of asking the best questions. What do I mean by this? In retrospect, our perspective is for the most part controlled by the questions we ask ourselves on a regular basis. Sounds bizarre? Just watch your own thoughts for an hour or so. A common mistake the majority of people make is asking themselves the wrong questions. Questions like “Why does this always happen to me?” or “How come life has to be so hard?” These types of questions are based on the assumption that “this” always happens to you, and that life is, in fact, hard. Emotions like these will only reaffirm this to you and becomes a self fullfilling prophecy.

Try asking yourself questions that are much less negative and more likely to help aligned you with your desires. Maybe things like “How did I get to be so blessed?” or “What can I be excited about today?” Questions like these help strengthen positive beliefs into your mind and can help you stay hopeful. It might be difficult at first to adjust your thought process (since you've been thinking and asking yourself the same style of questions for awhile), but is the results are worth it.

Another positive thinking tip is to keep a record of all the things you are grateful for in a gratitude journal. This could be as easy as keeping a little journal by your bed and writing down everything you are thankful for that happened to you that day. Just jot down a page or a certain number of things that you are grateful for in your life. What you write down can be as simple as "I'm thankful I woke up this morning" or "I'm thankful it was a sunny and beautiful day". I remember once I wrote down “I am grateful I caught the bus to work just in time today” and then the next day I wrote “I am grateful I missed the bus because it gave me time to read the newspaper in a cafe while I waited for the next bus.” If you apply this into your every day life, you will start to look at life with an optimistic attitude, helping you remain more positive.

The last of my positive thinking tips is to jot down what you want in your life to come about. Write it out in pain-staking detail. I wrote down as much as 10 pages of specifics on my desired life. I described where I wanted to live, how much money I wanted to make, what I wanted to do for work, and all the wonderful places I would travel to. Doing this may take some time, but it will make you feel so excellent and so determined to make your dreams come true, that I strongly recommend you find the time to give it a shot.

Stick to these easy tips and soon you see that your disposition about life will shift for the better. Remember, you control your thoughts, your thoughts controls your emotions which will help control your desired outcomes all with positive thinking.

Law Of Attraction Techniques To Help Turn You Into A Manifestation Magnet?

Would you like to make miracles in your life and make your dreams a reality? Then you probably have watched The Secret or heard of the Law of attraction. Here are some tips that you'll probably like. I'm going to share these Law of Attraction tips with you.

First thing to do would be to create the "have it now" feeling. In The Secret, the most significant thing to do is you have to believe and to act like you already have what you want. This special technique of visualization will help make you feel positive which will help you be in a good frame of mind to be aligned with your desires You can close your eyes while focusing on what you want. Do that in a quiet place where no person can disturb you. Begin by walking around your neighborhood. You can make believe that you already have what you would like. If you want money or love, just pretend that you are already a millionaire or you already have the perfect relationship. Pretend it's already yours whatever you want in your life. You need to change the way you act and think as if it is already yours.

I feel like I already got what I want every time I do this. When I have done this, I realize nothing is left to struggle in life. Instead all what remains is joy and happiness. This is my favorite Law of Attraction rules because it creates a wonderful feeling.

Second thing to do is to be grateful in whatever you have in life. If you'd like the Law of Attraction work for you, start by having a grateful attitude. By being appreciative for what you might have it's like you're saying to the Universe how grateful you are for having all the blessings you have in life. The Universe would reciprocate and provides you with more things to be thankful for.

It's a great idea to have a gratitude journal, it is the best approach to cultivate the feelings of gratitude. You can start by writing 5 things that you are thankful for everyday and these can either be big or small.. You'll realize you could be thankful for everything about your life. One thing I wrote about is being grateful for getting my job on time. The very next day I wrote down I was grateful for missing the bus because it gave me the chance to listen to the birds sing while I waited for another bus. This is Law of Attraction technique is very effective.

Third thing to do is just take the first step. People hesitate to take action in reaching their goals because they do not have a plan on how to achieve them. This shouldn't stop you. Everyone that went out and reached their goals didn't know what the plan on how to achieve those goals. Some people just took the first step and waited for an opportunity to be revealed.

But don't procrastinate for your dreams to occur at the same time. You can take the first step and wait for the Universe to draw out the next opportunity for you. There are times that Universe won't give you the precise thing that you want, but it can give you anything that you like. Be adaptable and be willing to adapt to the course when the correct time comes.. This is one of the essential Law of Attraction techniques you need to grasp.

Begin using these 3 Law of Attraction techniques and you can really start to see some real, tangible results in your life. No matter what your dreams in life are, at least you'll know how to achieve them and make them real. You can achieve your dreams and there's nothing left but to possess courage and faith for yourself.